Saturday 16 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Why We Smile

When we smile, it is not because there is nothing to make us frown or look sad. But we realise that there is so much gloom and darkness out there already, that more from us won’t make any difference. So we’d rather smile and shine a light, radiate hope and warmth.

More darkness does not bring about less darkness, but in the darkest of nights, even a flicker of light is significant. Things are going wrong, and many are being hurt; but wearing a sad face won’t make it any better. I’d rather you put on a smile, even if it’s a pretentious one.

Friday 15 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Be Yourself No Matter Who's There

I write, and you read; what does that make me? I suppose, a writer.

If I write and the whole world reads, what will I that make me? I don’t know what answer you’ll give, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ll still be a writer.

We know we have come into the core of our being and are doing what we are about when we are who we are and will do what we do irrespective of those before whom we find our self. So, write, talk, sing, dance, care, show love, teach, preach, manage, serve, invent, etc; whatever it is you think you should be doing, do it cheerfully, irrespective of whoever you are doing it to/for. It is not about them; it is about being yourself all the time.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Letting Go Made Easy

Letting go of certain things or people can be very difficult, but I’ll share with you something that can help make it easier.

Find a new object of interest, one that is father away, but one that thrills you at the thought of it. Fan into flame your desire for it, till it burns and tend to consume you. Then pursue it so much that you are occupied by it.

Soon, you will look back to see how far away you have gone from what you thought you couldn’t have let go of. The best way to get away from a past is always to pursue a better future. Start chasing something new, and start running now!

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Don't Conclude Yet

Don’t say you can’t when you have never tried; and don’t call yourself a failure when you have not stopped trying. But if you are still trying, and yet you feel like a failure, I have a secret to share with you. It will help.

Find something easier for you to handle, and get at it. When you succeed with it, you will feel more confident to be able to return to and tackle that which you have been struggling with.

Truth is, people who have recorded success in previous tasks (no matter what they were), easily feel more confident about taking up other ones (however different or more difficult they are).

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: The Secret To Having An Interesting Year

New things are appealing. New relationships are fun. New years are interesting and promising. But, unfortunately, we can’t keep having new everything all the time. They can get stale or we get used to them so they lose their appeal to us.

The secret in having an interesting year all-year-round is in daily renewing our hopes, dreams and determination to conquer.

The ‘new year’ is gradually getting old and losing its sense of freshness. What targets, resolutions or commitments did you lay out at the beginning that made you enthusiastic about the year? Daily review and renew your desires. Keep them alive, and your year will remain lively. Or add new twists to them, and you will have something fresh to look up to.

Today's Inspirational Message: The Secret To Having An Interesting Year

New things are appealing. New relationships are fun. New years are interesting and promising. But, unfortunately, we can’t keep having new everything all the time. They can get stale or we get used to them so they lose their appeal to us.

The secret in having an interesting year all-year-round is in daily renewing our hopes, dreams and determination to conquer.

The ‘new year’ is gradually getting old and losing its sense of freshness. What targets, resolutions or commitments did you lay out at the beginning that made you enthusiastic about the year? Daily review and renew your desires. Keep them alive, and your year will remain lively. Or add new twists to them, and you will have something fresh to look up to.

Today's Inspirational Message: The Secret To Having An Interesting Year

New things are appealing. New relationships are fun. New years are interesting and promising. But, unfortunately, we can’t keep having new everything all the time. They can get stale or we get used to them so they lose their appeal to us.

The secret in having an interesting year all-year-round is in daily renewing our hopes, dreams and determination to conquer.

The ‘new year’ is gradually getting old and losing its sense of freshness. What targets, resolutions or commitments did you lay out at the beginning that made you enthusiastic about the year? Daily review and renew your desires. Keep them alive, and your year will remain lively. Or add new twists to them, and you will have something fresh to look up to.

Monday 11 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Morning is Here; Wake Up!

Morning, as we know it, is a particular time frame marked by certain characteristic weather features. But morning, noted mostly with a ‘waking up,’ could as well be whenever a person decides to ‘wake up’ to a ‘new day’ or a ‘new thing.’

In that case, I dare say it is possible to choose your mornings; if not all, then most of it. The question is, what is it you need to ‘wake up’ from? What ‘new day’ or ‘new thing’ do you desire? Then, when do you want to usher it in?

Whenever you are ready, all you just need to do is ‘WAKE UP!’ and your morning would have come, and your new day will begin. See the light in the sky; the sun does not have to be full before you know morning has come. Wake up today and usher in that ‘new day’ you desire. Your morning has come.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Memory

They say time waits for no one, and we cannot hold time back, but I know something which is able to store time and bring it back whenever it wants, however far away the time must have traveled. It is MEMORY.

As you live each day, try as much as you can to create beautiful and precious moments, and store them up in your memory bank. Leave footprints, create statues, make memorials, mark anniversaries and celebrate them; deliberately create memories that will outlive time.

The good news is, you don’t have to necessarily do something extraordinary to achieve this. It can be as simple as it takes to put a smile on your face or someone else’s. Maya Angelou said that people can forget what we said or did, but they won’t forget how we made them feel. It’s basically about creating moments where you make yourself and, or, someone else feel special.

Do it as often as you can, relive them whenever you wish, and see how much difference they make.

Monday 4 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Always Be Fulfilled

How does fulfillment come? Is it by achieving a set goal, only to aim for a higher one and begin another chase? That is surely an endless cycle. This is why marriages crash; the relationship is fun, and the target of the two parties is just to get married. Once they do, they feel like they've arrived. Making babies is next.

For a relationship and marriage, the satisfaction is not derived in 'getting married,' but in the PROCESS of discovering and knowing each other more and more each day, until death. And for our life and calling, fulfillment is not in attaining some set goals, but in the PROCESS of being and doing that which we were made for.

Wherever you are on destiny's road, you can find joy and fulfillment by simply starting to do that which is true to the core of your purpose, even as you strive to attain greater levels. Don't live a boring life. Never! Not even a day.

Sunday 3 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Something New

Letting go of certain things or people can be very difficult, but I’ll share with you something that can help make it easier.

Find a new object of interest, one that is father away, but one that thrills you at the thought of it. Fan into flame your desire for it, till it burns and tend to consume you. Then pursue it so much that you are occupied by it.

Soon, you will look back to see how far away you have gone from what you thought you couldn’t have let go of. The best way to get away from a past is always to pursue a better future. Start chasing something new, and start running now!

Saturday 2 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Better And Better

Our gifts and abilities are elastic in nature, and we can never really know the true limits of them. The more we use and stretch them, the more we realise they can be explored and exploited further. Our dreams and aspirations should be so, too.

Never get tired of renewing your hopes. The advancement of man in science and technology over time should teach you that there should only be one way, and that is FORWARD, painted with such street marks as HIGHER, BIGGER, GREATER, BETTER.

Follow that pattern in your pursuits in life. Push yourself; you’ll be surprised to see there’s more you can achieve, and your dreams will only look smaller. And even in the face of challenges, however tough they may be, remind yourself it can only be FORWARD, HIGHER, BIGGER, GREATER, BETTER, AND BETTER, AND BETTER.

Friday 1 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Happy New Year!

Time is automatic, and the calendar is set to run on its own; but the beginning and end of an era to an individual is entirely when and how they choose it to be.

It's certainly a "New Year" to the calendar, but what it is to you is up to you to decide. It depends on what you see and what you are ready to make of it. It could be just another day that would be marked off within hours to let in yet another. Or it could also be the mark of a new beginning, if you so choose.

As I get ready to say, "Happy New Year" to you as is the ritual, it is my prayer that if this day marks a beginning to you, it will be that of a PROSPEROUS, FULFILLING, BLISSFUL, TRIUMPHANT, AND BLESSED NEW ERA OF ATTAINING A GREATER YOU.


Tuesday 29 December 2015

Bus driver comes through after thief steals special needs bike

DN26 SRP STOLEN BIKE 3_frame_36165.jpg
Days before Christmas, a crook stole the primary means of transportation for a special needs woman from Parkland. But the generosity of a local bus driver has helped put Lori Niles back on wheels.

Good Samaritans rescue 2 teens, infant from icy water

Three people were rescued after a pickup truck plunged

Two teenagers and a 5-month-old baby were rescued from the Apple River in Wisconsin, after their vehicle left the road and broke through the ice.

Student donates Bone Marrow Anonymously to save Child with Leukemia's life, pair finally meet

Kobe Dickus was just 14 years old when he was diagnosed with Leukemia. He was dropping weight and doctors doubted he would live, that is, until doctors found Nick Magyar. A bone marrow transplant changed strangers into friends.
Kobe Dickus was just 14 years old when he was diagnosed with Leukemia. He was dropping weight and doctors doubted he would live, that is, until doctors found Nick Magyar. A bone marrow transplant changed these strangers into friends.

Grand Rapids police help homeless find shelter during winter storm

Grand Rapids police are doing a sweep of the downtown area in an attempt to locate homeless people in need of shelter Monday during the ice storm.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Donate 1,000 Shoes to Charity

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Send 1,000 Shoes to Soles4Souls

Kim Kardashian West and husband Kanye West have followed through on their promise to donate 1,000 shoes to non-profit organization Soles 4 Souls – just in time for Christmas. 

Saturday 26 December 2015

Police and community help mom get much-needed car repairs in time for Christmas

When police in a New Jersey town saw local mom Kristal Christ driving a damaged SUV around the area, they could've easily issued her a blizzard of tickets or sidelined the truck until repairs were made.

Stranded Santa Claus Saved By Firefighters After Car Blaze

A stranded Santa Claus whose car caught fire Christmas morning is sure to put one northern Urah fire department on his nice list next year.