Monday 4 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Always Be Fulfilled

How does fulfillment come? Is it by achieving a set goal, only to aim for a higher one and begin another chase? That is surely an endless cycle. This is why marriages crash; the relationship is fun, and the target of the two parties is just to get married. Once they do, they feel like they've arrived. Making babies is next.

For a relationship and marriage, the satisfaction is not derived in 'getting married,' but in the PROCESS of discovering and knowing each other more and more each day, until death. And for our life and calling, fulfillment is not in attaining some set goals, but in the PROCESS of being and doing that which we were made for.

Wherever you are on destiny's road, you can find joy and fulfillment by simply starting to do that which is true to the core of your purpose, even as you strive to attain greater levels. Don't live a boring life. Never! Not even a day.

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