Saturday 2 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Better And Better

Our gifts and abilities are elastic in nature, and we can never really know the true limits of them. The more we use and stretch them, the more we realise they can be explored and exploited further. Our dreams and aspirations should be so, too.

Never get tired of renewing your hopes. The advancement of man in science and technology over time should teach you that there should only be one way, and that is FORWARD, painted with such street marks as HIGHER, BIGGER, GREATER, BETTER.

Follow that pattern in your pursuits in life. Push yourself; you’ll be surprised to see there’s more you can achieve, and your dreams will only look smaller. And even in the face of challenges, however tough they may be, remind yourself it can only be FORWARD, HIGHER, BIGGER, GREATER, BETTER, AND BETTER, AND BETTER.

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