Friday 15 January 2016

Today's Inspirational Message: Be Yourself No Matter Who's There

I write, and you read; what does that make me? I suppose, a writer.

If I write and the whole world reads, what will I that make me? I don’t know what answer you’ll give, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ll still be a writer.

We know we have come into the core of our being and are doing what we are about when we are who we are and will do what we do irrespective of those before whom we find our self. So, write, talk, sing, dance, care, show love, teach, preach, manage, serve, invent, etc; whatever it is you think you should be doing, do it cheerfully, irrespective of whoever you are doing it to/for. It is not about them; it is about being yourself all the time.

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