Wednesday 16 December 2015

8-year-old saved her pocket money for a whole year so she could buy Christmas presents for sick children

An eight-year-old girl saved up a year’s worth of pocket money so she could buy Christmas presents for sick children.

She even remembered to buy batteries for them all.

Maisie Hymers managed to save £400 pocket money this year and used it to splash out on 50 Christmas presents, including teddy bears, board games, colouring books and felt tip pens.

But, none of it was for her – she donated all the presents to sick children who will be spending Christmas at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, her local hospital in Portsmouth.

She got the idea after she had to spend some time in hospital herself last year.

‘I broke my arm last year and I was in hospital for a bit,’ Maisie says. ‘Then I thought the children who are in hospital won’t get presents and I decided to save my pocket money to buy them things. I have got board games, teddy bears and toys.’

She adds: ‘I’m very pleased with how much I saved and want to do something again next year but I don’t know what.’

Her proud parents Lucy Conway, 36, and Jason Hymers, 38, helped her hand out the gifts at the weekend, with help from her nan Kim Hymers, 57, sister Tilly, 11, and little brother Rory, 11 months.

‘We are extremely proud of her for being so thoughtful,’ said mum Lucy, explaining: ‘She saved up most of her pocket money and family members put in a few pennies here and there to help too.’

Craig O’Shaughnessy, dad of two-year-old leukemia sufferer George, said of the generous gift: ‘It was so overwhelming to see a lovely girl do such a lovely thing. George spends a lot of time in hospital, he’s always smiling anyway but this made him smile more.’

The hospital’s play specialist Tracy Morgan added: ‘What Maisie has done is so inspirational – it’s amazing.

‘This donation will make a massive difference to all the children on the ward over Christmas and we would like to say thank you.’

In all honesty, this eight-year-old probably has more Christmas spirit than the rest of us put together.


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