Friday 18 December 2015

Today's Inspirational Message: What Do You Feed On?

Gideon Stewart
Have you come to notice that information is what rules in this age?
Information is the most consumed commodity, and it has created a very wide market that has employed and enriched many. From the traditional media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio), to the social media, books (paper, audio, electronic), workshops, conferences, seminars, counseling sessions, consultation services, schools, blogs and websites, songs, movies, comedy shows, etc, and even in religion, the commodity of trade is information. Its generation, processing, packaging, distribution, presentation, and transmission are different facets of the information market.
The result is that there is just so much out there. There is a lot of information, and that also means a lot of junks. The question then is: what are you feeding your mind with? Is the information you allow to get into your mind daily healthy, and is it helping you grow and achieve all you want to?

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