Wednesday 23 December 2015

Today's Inspirational Message: Passion

The dictionary defines passion as any great, strong, powerful emotion; and gives such synonyms as fervor, determination, zeal, desire, hunger, thirst, craving, etc. It is a desire for something; one that is able to drive us towards it, and make us take any measure to get to it. Passion places value on something; such a high value that it always wants it, and is ready to pay the price for it – however huge that may be.

Passion is more concerned about the object than the reward; reward, to it, is the joy in laying hold on what it is after. Passion finds a way. Passion energizes. Passion encourages. Passion persists. Passion pays.

The only caution to be noted when dealing with passion is on where/what it is directed towards. What do you have passion for? 

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