Wednesday 16 December 2015

See What A Dying Teen Wished For Her Grieving Mother

A dying teen's final wish was granted earlier this month to have her mom's Utah house completely remodeled just in time for the holidays.
"She was getting older and maybe she could see things like the cabinets falling off the wall," Shellie Basset of Midvale, Utah, told ABC News. "The entire house was done. It was what she wanted.
"I really wanted to have her there to see it," she added. "A few weeks before she died, she found out it would be done."

Basset said her daughter, BayLee Parks, 17, was diagnosed with a medulloblastoma brain tumor seven years ago.
After multiple relapses, BayLee chose to discontinue her treatments and ultimately died Nov. 30.
"The chemo had stopped working," Bassett said. "I told her, 'If I could keep you here forever, even if you are sick, I would keep you here, but I’m not the one who's sick.' She did a lot of thinking. She knew exactly [what she wanted].
“BayLee, she never ever asked, 'Why me?' There were good and bad days, but we’d feel her heart beating and we’d say, 'Ok, we’re here and we are going to do this today.' She was very special in that way."
Prior to her death, BayLee started a bucket list with nonprofit Children and the Earth.
In addition to visiting Harry Potter World and enrolling in a painting class, another item on her list was to have her mom's home remodeled, something that Bassett said was a true symbol of her daughter's selfless character.
"That's how she was," Bassett said. "She worried more about her brothers than she did her own self. One of the last things she said to me was, 'Mom, who's going to take care of you?' She would've been so excited to have seen all the amazing things the volunteers did."
Following BayLee's instructions, Children and the Earth updated her family home, even personalizing her mother's bedroom with her favorite, dragonflies, and decorating her brother's room with “Star Wars” memorabilia.
Bassett said she hopes BayLee's story heightens child cancer awareness.

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