Tuesday 22 December 2015

Pizza delivery driver delivers new home to homeless man

Pizza delivery driver delivers new home to homeless man
A 76-year-old man living in extreme poverty received a new home for the holidays, thanks to a compassionate pizza delivery driver who inspired a community to help.
Domino's driver Angela Nguyen delivered pizzas to Lee Haase in the outskirts of Anoka County for years.

"He likes to order every Saturday," said Nguyen. "About 10:15 you are going to get an order from Lee."
But this fall, Haase was hit by a terrible set of circumstances.
His house was unlivable after a powerful storm damaged the roof, then his son died in a snowmobile accident.
Nguyen's daughter, Sarah Hughes, also a Domino's driver, noticed Haase living alone in a 12-foot camper with no heat, no plumbing, and no electricity.
"I thought we got to do something. We got to do something. We can't let a human being live like this," said Nguyen.
She bought him a heater for the camper, and on advice from her daughter, Nguyen started a Go Fund Me page for Haase. The donations started pouring in.
"We got donations from as far as Australia," said Nguyen.
In two months, the page accrued $32,000, and with the money Nguyen helped buy Haase a new home.
"Every single one of us enjoyed doing this. This ain't all for Lee. We all benefited," said Nguyen.
Sunday, Nguyen, along with her daughter and a dozen other volunteers unveiled the home to Haase for the first time.
"You remember when this started and I promised you we were going to help you?" said Hughes while hugging Haase. "Merry Christmas."
The trailer is fully furnished, everything inside but Haase's clothes donated by the community.
"It's wonderful," said Haase. "I'm so grateful for the people doing this."
His new bedroom is big enough to fit his old trailer. Above the bed is a sign that reads "Joy, hope, love, peace, believe."
Christmas came early for Haase.
Thanks to what he calls his new extended family, he now has a home for the holidays.

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