Tuesday 22 December 2015

Find Your Domain

We all have our domains and natural habitats for destinies. And what I mean by this is not limited to physical environment/location, though this is usually part of it. It also includes fields of endeavours, favourable practices, interests, cultures and even associations.

Locate your territory. Every king has a kingdom, and you can’t be a king if you don’t have one. So, go discover your kingdom. But if you can’t, then establish one.

Do not compete with someone else for their own space. There is no competition in destiny. But one good thing about life is that kings are recognised even in other kingdoms. All you need to do is be a king, and your influence will extend beyond your territory. You will be reckoned with even outside your domain.

2015 is winding up. Did you reign in any area? If you didn't, then start strategising for 2016.

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