Friday 18 December 2015

Community celebrates Christmas day every weekend for terminally ill 4-year-old girl

virginia rose
When the Vandermark family found out that this Christmas was going to be the last for their sweet little Virginia Rose, they decided to go all out.
The 4-year-old girl was diagnosed with leukemia on April 7. A bone marrow transplant was planned for over the summer, but she couldn't go through with it due to minor heart failure.

By September, her doctor had some bad news. She wasn't going to make it to Christmas.
So her family came up with the idea to celebrate the holiday every weekend leading up to Dec. 25.
Jennifer and Jonathan Vandermark shared the idea with friends and family on Facebook, and within days, their hometown of Chesterfield, Virginia, was lit up for her.
The community also decorated a neighborhood fence to feature her name in lights.
Renee Trivisonno was following the family's updates for months but didn't realize they lived nearby until one night in October, when she was driving home from work and noticed many of her neighbors had already put up their Christmas lights.
"It finally clicked after a few minutes," Trivisonno told "Here I was praying for this little girl to get better when she was right under my nose the whole time. I had to do something to help her."
That's when the service coordinator for Chesterfield County rallied her community to gather and sing Christmas carols for the ailing girl.
On Friday, 50 people met at a local grocery store and caravanned to the Vandermark's home, with Santa in a red Mustang convertible leading the way.
When they arrived, Virginia Rose was outside on the front lawn, surprised and thrilled to see Santa.
Trivisonno had everyone bring gift cards, and together they pooled about $800 worth to stores like Wal-Mart, Toys 'R' Us and Kroger.
Neighbors have also been dropping by the house to bring presents, some for Virginia Rose's brothers, RJ, 5 and Samuel, 2.
On top of that, strangers from all over the world donated more than $11,000 to the family's GoFundMe campaign, which they plan to use for funeral arrangements.
They also hope to replace the broken down van they use to drive 30 minutes both ways twice a week to the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU for her treatments.
"We were too prideful to ask for help at first, but I'm happy we did because we've met some pretty incredible people who want to help us out of the goodness of their hearts," Jennifer Vandermark, Virginia Rose's mom, told
While they usually make their rounds around the state for Christmas visiting various family members, they're having the family come to them this year.
"Right now we're just trying to enjoy our last Christmas with our little girl and thanks to the outpouring love and support from our community, we're able to do just that," Vandermark said.

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