Thursday 17 December 2015

Boy shows generous Christmas spirit by donating birthday presents to London's homeless

Sami Rock

A generous 10-year-old from Pinner is celebrating Christmas as a time for giving by donating his birthday presents to London's homeless.
Big-hearted Sami Rock, who turned 10 on Saturday, will be giving his gifts to charity Shelter in the hopes of bringing a bit of festive cheer to people who might be spending the holiday on the street.

The Cannon Lane Primary School pupil said: "My whole year is invited and I didn't want to just end up getting lots of presents. I thought of giving them to Shelter because it's a homeless charity and it would be helping people who would be spending Christmas on the street.
"I also made a collection box and I've had a few donations already. I'd like to do more for charity, I've done things like a sponsored silence before - it's nice to do things like this sometimes."
Sami and his family, of Pembroke Avenue, Pinner, are holding a disco-themed party this weekend to celebrate his birthday.
His classmates are coming with presents to be donated to Shelter and Sami's collection box will also be in the church hall for anyone to make extra contribution.
Sami's efforts were commended in a school assembly last week.
His proud mother Babs said she had been approached by other parents whose children wanted to do something similar.
Babs said that the world around children today encourages them to be materialistic and she was glad Sami was developing a different outlook.
The 35-year-old said: "He came up with this all by himself. Whenever he sees one of these adverts on television, adopt a snow leopard or something like that, he always asks his dad if he can do it.
"He's quite a sensitive boy and he said he wanted to donate to Shelter because of this time of year, he's been thinking about what Christmas is. I think he feels quite lucky and he wanted to do something to help people less fortunate.
"I'm very proud of him, he's just amazing."
She continued: "We've had quite a few RSVPs to the party and parents have got in touch saying their children would quite like to do something similar. I definitely think he's inspired a few."


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