Wednesday 23 December 2015

Australian Woman Leaves A $4.3 Million Dollar Surprise For The Homeless In Her Will

woman donates her fortune to homeless

A 96 year-old woman from Newcastle, New South Wales, dubbed the "Fair Lady of The Hill", had her final wishes carried out this week when her $4.3 million estate was auctioned off to a charity that serves the city's homeless children and their families.

In Lady Fardell's final will, she ordered that her mansion be auctioned along with all its contents, with all the proceeds going towards services for homeless children run by St Vincent de Paul in Newcastle.

Her home - built in 1871 - sold for $2.3 million in June. Its contents were auctioned in September. Combined with the sale of a share portfolio, the final figure came to a staggering $4.3 million.

Peter Fishlock, the president of Vinnies' Maitland-Newcastle division said the money would be used for the purpose intended by Fardell, providing shelter for homeless children and their families.

"She couldn't have children of her own," her nephew, Michael Ellis told The Sydney Morning Herald. "But she loved children and left almost everything she had to a charity which supported them."

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